Ophion Morio Spinola, 1840:168, ♀. Holotype ♀, Cayenne (leg. M. Leprieur). - Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176.:111 ( listed as synonym of Thyreodon cyaneus Brullé, 1846).
Thyreodon cyaneus Brullé, 1846:151, ♂♀.Cayenne, Caternaut; Brésil (capit. des Mines) (M. Serville, leg. Aug. Saint-Hilaire, Vauthier); Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176.:112, Type location unknown. - Brullé, 1846Brullé, A. 1846. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hyménoptères. Tome quatrième. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 1-680. (distribution); Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176. (distribution); Morley, 1912Morley, C. 1912. A revision of the Ichneumonidae based on the collection in the British Museum (Natural History) Part I: Tribes Ophionides and Metopiides. British Museum, London, England. 1-88. (distribution); Meade-Waldo & Morley, 1914Meade-Waldo, G. & C. Morley 1914. Notes and synonymy of Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 8: v. 14:402-410. (distribution).
Thyreodon intermedius Szépligeti, 1906:133, ♂.Brasilien: Obidos (Ungarische National-Museum). - Hooker, 1912Hooker, C.W. 1912. The Ichneumon flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 38 (1):1-176.:111 ( listed as synonym of Thyreodon cyaneus Brullé, 1846).